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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Closure of LV pseudoaneurysm

Date: Jun 23, 2021


Do you still recommend unlisted code 33999 for this CHD case?

"A 4 French x 80 cm Abbott/Amplatzer TorqVue LP delivery catheter was advanced with the aid of a wire via the RFA to the DAO to the AAO and into the LV. An LV angiogram was performed. An angled Penumbra/Lantern microcatheter and Whisper wire were advanced via the TorqVue delivery catheter to the LV. With gentle probing the pouch of the aneurysm was entered with the Whisper and Lantern. The TorqVue was advanced over the Whisper and Lantern into the LV pseudoaneurysm. The Whisper and Lantern were removed. The duct occluder 2 was advanced via the TorqVue catheter. The device distal disc was deployed into the pouch of the pseudoaneurysm, the middle waist was deployed across the LV free wall, and the proximal disc was deployed on the on the endocardial LV wall side of the defect. An LV angiogram and TEE images demonstrated good position and no change in mitral regurgitation. The device was released. A repeat LV angiogram was performed. An ABG and ACT were repeated. All catheters and right groin sheaths were removed."

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