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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Cephalic vein banding ligation and extraction of venous pseudoaneurysm

Date: Mar 15, 2021


Is extraction of venous pseudoaneurysm bundled with the cephalic vein banding ligation? We cannot find an appropriate code for the extraction to be used along with 37607.

"Venogram performed of the right upper extremity. Cephalic vein aneurysm was identified and visualized. Subsequently, ultrasound was utilized to identify the cephalic vein both cephalad and caudad to the region of the aneurysm. Initially spot, small cutdown regions were performed at each of these sites and ligation of the cephalic vein utilizing banding technique was performed with Prolene suture. Following this, confirmation was performed with contrast injection that there is no significant flow in the portion of the cephalic vein feeding the region of the aneurysm. Thereafter, small cutdown incision was obtained at the level of the aneurysm dissection was performed to the level of the aneurysm which was then extracted. Subsequently, cautery was utilized and deep and superficial sutures were placed. Hemostasis was achieved and dressing applied."

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