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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

PerQ AVF branch ligation with stenosis PTA

Date: Feb 12, 2021


I understand that OPEN AVF branch ligation (36832) bundles PTA in the same segment, but what if documentation only supports PerQ branch suture ligation with stenosis PTA? Would it be 36902 and 36909? "Outflow stenosis at cephalic arch was ballooned. Cephalic vein branch was ligated with less pulsatile at completion. Transverse skin incision... sheath inserted... Fistulogram with stenosis of outflow... Glidewire tracked into position and ballooned.. Two more silks were then wrapped around the outflow portion of the isolated cephalic vein branch and then tied down. As the sheath was removed, the vein was then transected, and three interrupted 3-0 vicryl deep dermal stitches were used to close the skin."

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