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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Coding 93650 with 93613

Date: Feb 23, 2021


Please help me understand why an electrophysiologist cannot bill 93650 with 93613. It is impossible to locate the His deflection without either fluoroscopy or 3D mapping. 3D mapping allows for a more precise localization of the His prior to an AV node ablation. Arrhythmia induction is not necessarily required to report code 93613, as our electrophysiologist will bill 93613 with atrial fibrillation ablation without having to actually induce atrial fibrillation if the patient arrives in normal rhythm. 3D mapping helps to localize exactly where ablation should be performed. It's seems logical to report code 93613 with 93650.

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