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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Lumbar injection for RT planning

Date: Jan 18, 2021


I'm questioning code for lumbar puncture done in IR for RT planning. Should I report codes 62284 / 77003?

"CLINICAL INDICATION: Rad Onc simulation. History of liposarcoma mets to spine s/p surgery. PROCEDURE: Following explanation...... consent for a a fluoro-guided lumbar puncture and CT myelogram were obtained from patient. Under fluoro guidance, L4 space selected, 20 gauge spinal needle advanced into subarachnoid space. Return of clear CSF confirmed. 10 mL of Omnipaque-240 injected slowly into subarachnoid space. Needle removed. Contrast confirmed in upper thoracic and lumbar levels. Patient was then sent to rad onc. IMPRESSION: Successful fluoro-guided lumbar puncture and intrathecal injection of contrast throughout the t- and l-spine levels for rad onc simulation."

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