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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

What are the documentation requirements for an LVAD Interrogation - 93750?

Date: Jan 15, 2021


Per CPT description - the below listed parameters/device functions must be documented in the LVAD Interrogation report.

93750 reports a diagnostic procedure that is performed in person and includes a face-to-face assessment of all device functions. Components that must be evaluated include device parameters (alarms, drivelines, and power surges) and a review of the device function (flow/volume status, septum status, and recovery). This code includes physician or other qualified health care professional analysis, review, and report. It also includes device programming, if performed.

Based on information from provider Septum Status/Recovery can't be determined by an LVAD interrogation alone without performing a RAMP study.

Please elaborate on the required documentation in relation to Septum Status and Recovery for an LVAD Interrogation - 93750 - when a RAMP study is not being performed - only an LVAD Interrogation?

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