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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

What code would you use for the palcement of an Alfapump?

Date: Dec 2, 2019


Would you use 49419 for the following?
Sequana Medical’s alfapump is a fully-implanted, programmable, wireless, CE-marked system that automatically pumps ascites from the peritoneal cavity into the bladder, where the body eliminates the ascites naturally through urination. The potential of the alfapump to address the unmet medical need in patients with recurrent or refractory ascites has been demonstrated in multiple clinical studies showing a significant reduction in the need for large volume paracentesis, which is paracentesis where at least 5 litres of fluid is removed (i.e., the current standard of care), and a significant improvement in patients’ quality of life."

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