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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Endarterectomy: 35302 vs. 35355

Date: Nov 21, 2019


According to Question ID 6907, the CFA, PFA, SFA, and iliac are one since there is one arteriotomy so it is reported with iliofemoral code 35355. We brought this example to our provider, but he disagrees and would like to report 35302 since in his words, “This was extended into a very long segment of SFA.” Could you tell us which code you would report for this service? Any rationale you can provide would be very helpful. Thank you. "An arteriotomy was made and extended with Potts scissors. Endarterectomy was performed including in the distal external iliac artery. The endarterectomy was extended all the way to the superficial femoral artery where the plaque was divided. I did place a 7-0 Prolene tacking sutures at the origin of the profunda as well as the distal intimal shelf on the superficial femoral artery. All loose debris was removed. Then, using a 1 x 14 CryoLife PhotoFix bovine pericardial patch, I sutured this into place with a 6-0 Prolene suture beginning at the superficial femoral artery."

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