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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Axillary AV chest wall loop graft

Date: Nov 22, 2019


How would you code this? Is this just 36830? "Transverse incision in the infraclavicular fossa using a 15 blade; dissected down to subcu tissue. Identified the pectoralis fascia, divided that & split the pectoralis major muscle to enter into the axillary sheath. Identified pectoralis minor, divided at tendinous portion. Identified axillary vein and artery;dissected free from surrounding attachments and isolated vessel. Made a counter incision, created loop configuration. Occluded axillary artery proximally & distally; longitudinal arteriotomy w/ 11 blade extended w/ Potts scissors; end of graft to side of artery anastomosis. Flushed antegr & retrograde; graft clamped. Focused attention toward the venous end. Longitudinal venotomy made; tailored graft to the approp size; end of graft to side of axillary vein anastomosis. Strong palpable thrill noted."

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