Items Tagged: venogram

ZHealth Coding Newsletter - July 2020

Q & A July 2020 

Question: Embolization Dialysis Collateral Vein

Can you please let me know if I coded this correctly? The doctor says I should be able to code the cath placement into the collateral vein and the venogram. I thought it was included in the fistulogram and embolization.

US guided access into left forearm AV fistula (all documentation is there) 76937-26 fistulogram of left radiocephalic AV fistula and Central Venogram - PTA peripheral dialysis circuit in the outflow vein. 36902 Selective catheterization of lateral collateral vein arising from the peripheral juxta anastomotic outflow vein (included in embolization ?) Venogram of selected collateral forearm vein ( billable?) Embolization of selected collateral forearm vein 36909. My doctor asked me to verify with you.

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