Items Tagged: stent

ZHealth Coding Newsletter - April 2016

April 2016 Q & A

Question: Popliteal Aneurysm

We are looking for a code for popliteal aneurysm (37236?). This is what one of our physicians said: "34900 code is an aneurysm procedure code, and although specifies iliac it is far more reflective of the procedure type and work, including large sheath placement that is involved with popliteal aneurysm repair. In fact the 2 procedures are almost identical except one is done at a more distal location." What code do you suggest we use for popliteal aneurysm and why?

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ZHealth Coding Newsletter - March 2016

March 2016 Q & A

Question: Angioplasty or Primary Thrombectomy with No Stenosis Documented

Patient is on Day 2 of lower extremity arterial thrombolysis with EKOS catheter. The patient was placed on the angio table and the catheter was injected showing significant residual heavy clot burden. The physician ballooned the thrombus in the anterior tibial, posterior tibial and peroneal arteries with a 3mm balloon, then used an aspiration catheter in each vessel post ballooning due to loose clot seen within these vessels. There is no physician documentation of any underlying anatomical stenosis in these vessels. Thrombolysis was restarted with the EKOS catheter and sent to the floor for overnight monitoring. On Day 3, the patient is brought back for AngioJet thrombectomy, repeat ballooning of the peroneal along with thrombolytic spray through the AngioJet for 20 min. This is repeated in the posterior tibial artery. Follow-up angiography demonstrates a flow limiting dissection requiring stent placement.

Day 2 was coded as ...

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ZHealth Coding Newsletter - January 2016

January 2016 Q & A

Question: 50435 and 50693

I have a doctor that did a left nephrostogram, ureteral stent insertion and a nephrostomy tube exchange at the same setting. With the new 2016 codes, there is no scenario with a pre existing nephrostomy tract tube exchange and a placement of ureteral stent. I am getting a CCI edit for 50435 saying it shouldn't be billed with 50693. Am I missing something, or misinterpreting something? Would you bill 50693, 50435-XU? Payer is Medicare.
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ZHealth Coding Newsletter - December 2015

December 2015 Q & A

Question: WPS and Popliteal Aneurysm

With the new LCD for ICD-10, popliteal aneurysm I72.4 is not covered for 37236. It also is not covered for 37226. What do you recommend if a patient has a popliteal aneurysm and is MCR or MCR replacement in our area? The particular patient I have now is having thrombosis due to the aneurysm, but by coding guidelines it would be covered for intent, which is the aneurysm. The thrombosis is covered under 37226 if it is okay to code for thrombosis and not aneurysm. We do these all the time, this is just the first one that came up since ICD-10 and I need to be able to educate my physicians on coverage.
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ZHealth Coding Newsletter - October 2014

October 2014 Q & A

Question: Venous Stent Placement During Thrombolytic Therapy

In the 2014 Interventional Radiology Coding Reference, page 196 example #2, there is a thrombolytic therapy procedure that ends with a venous stent placement. The venous stenting codes do not include the catheter placement, and according to the CPT manual, you should report those in addition to the stents (37238-37229). The example only has the 37238 and does not list a catheter placement CPT code. The thrombolytic catheter is removed and a new catheter for the stent placement is inserted. Other coding references have stated that if a new catheter is placed even from the same access, you would report the catheter placement for the intervention. Wouldn’t you report the venous catheter placement in this example? And if so, what code would you use?

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