Pain Management Coding Reference
2025 eBooks now available!
Dr. Z’s Pain Management Coding Reference, written by Ruth Broek and Dr. Z, is a comprehensive manual that details the appropriate coding and/or charging for the many different types of pain procedures performed in a variety of settings. It discusses injection procedures to treat spasticity and other conditions that require injections of steroids, anesthetics, neurolytics, and chemodenervation agents. There are specific chapters covering injection procedures, neurolysis and chemodenervation, pain pump implantation and management, and neurostimulator implantation and management. There is also a section on anatomy to aid in determining the type of nerve involved so the appropriate code can be reported. It is laid out in a similar format to the other ZHealth reference manuals.
Procedures are grouped by procedure type (e.g., nerve blocks, neurolysis, neurostimulators) and by anatomical area for convenience of use. This manual combines guidelines from multiple sources into one easy-to-use reference, including: the American Medical Association, the American College of Radiology, the American Hospital Association, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Society of Nuclear Medicine, and other reputable medical societies.
Dr. Z’s Pain Management Coding Reference is the only source necessary for both hospitals and physician practices to appropriately code and bill pain management procedures. Order yours today and stay informed about the complex world of pain management procedures.
Product # 2522e (eBook)
- Comprehensive reference detailing the CPT coding rules for a variety of pain management procedures
- Discusses injection procedures to treat spasticity and other conditions that require injections of steroids, anesthetics, neurolytics, and chemodenervation agents
- Laid out in a similar format to the other ZHealth reference manuals
- Combines guidelines from the leading associations in the field (AMA, ACR, AHA, and more)
When changes in coding rules or editorial errors occur in Dr. Z’s Medical Coding Series, we publish the necessary revisions on our website as errata. Please check this at least quarterly to ensure coding compliance.
Previous Editions
Previous Editions
Coding audits of old cases occur frequently, both internally and externally. Therefore, we make our coding references from past years available for purchase so that the appropriate year's coding rules may be applied accordingly. It is essential to utilize information that applies to the date a procedure is performed. For example, when auditing a case from last year, you need to use last year’s reference. Please note the importance of current references, as every year there are changes in codes as well as the rules surrounding their use.
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To inquire about purchasing older editions, please call ZHealth Publishing at 615-873-1111.
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